The Black Dog Allegory - A Prologue

Copyright © 1998 Walt Zientek

He was beautiful.
Easily the most handsome pup in the litter. An ebony beacon
across a sea of gold, coat shining pure black and radiant.
Yet, no one noticed him.

He carried bloodlines for courage, heart, desire and drive.
His own potential was unlimited, unhindered.
Yet, he was unwanted.

He was short coupled. He had substance, structure and bone.
He was balanced without compromise to fad or fancy.
Yet, he was overlooked.
He was underpriced. Undervalued.

And because he was what he was, people feared him or crossed
the street when they saw him. Even those who should have known
better, tensed, or turned to other things and other dogs.

Lesser dogs pulled down the prizes, fame and fees. Lesser dogs were
pampered. He lived a life of solitude and loneliness. Because of this,
he barked at people passing by. He barked to find a friend to toss a
ball... or say a kind word. He barked, not to frighten, but to beckon.

The Black Dog's story is one of waste and loss. One of ignorance
and foolishness. One of trends and styles and whims and bias and
frustration, difficult to imagine, impossible to condone.

So, one day, in an effort not so much to get away, but rather, to get
to something better, the Black Dog broke his chains.

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Last modified: 8-19-2000

Page Copyright © 1997-2000 Walt Zientek <>