Our Walks Are Getting Shorter

Copyright © 1997 Walt Zientek

Our walks are getting shorter now and taking a little longer.
What used to be a race around the block, is now a gentle stroll. A chance to
read the messages of unseen friends who've come before. A chance to work the
stiffness out. A chance to share some quiet, twilight time together.

Your naps are getting longer now. Your favorite toys no longer
call you from their place. The traffic on the street outside no longer needs
your watching. I wonder if your dreams are filled with memories of fields and
ponds and endless runs in pain-free days?

Your eyes are getting bluer now. Like autumn clouds against a cold
slate sky. I know that now you see me with your nose and hear me with your
heart. I wonder if you understand the things your ears can't hear me say?

Our walks are getting shorter now and taking so much longer. But I
will surely slow my steps and change my pace to stay with you .... forever.

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Last modified: 8-19-2000

Page Copyright © 1997-2000 Walt Zientek <WZW@aol.com>