
Copyright © 1998 Walt Zientek

There was no alarm clock. No ringing. Wasn't any need. Wasn't any reason.
The old woman blinked herself awake. And remained still. Takes some time to
get going these days. Have to take inventory. Make sure all the parts are working.
The dog is awake. Have to get up.

The old dog blinked herself awake. Her mistress was awake. She knew it.
Didn't hear or see her. No need to. After all these years, she just knew it.
Glad her mistress took her time. Her old parts were working fine, but took a
little while to loosen. Have to get up.


The woman shuffled down the hall. About midway, she stopped to open the back
porch door. Let the old girl out. Can't make her hold on forever.
The woman made her way to a tiny bathroom.
Moving along a little faster now.

The old girl wobbled down the six worn steps. About midway, she stopped and
sniffed the familiar ground. Feels good to move around.
She made her way to her favorite spot.
Feeling a little looser now.


The woman put the water on to boil.
Got to feed the old girl.
She loves her breakfast.
Lord, she still looks foreward to her food!

The dog sniffed out the carelessly thrown newspaper.
Here it is.
Must be careful with it now.
She so looks foreward to it coming in!


So much to do today. Errands to run. The old girl hates being left alone.
The woman bent down. Low.
So she could put her face beside the dog's.
Touch the soft gray muzzle with her cheek.

Stay with me today? Leaving? She hates to leave me.
The dog stretched her body upward. High.
So she could put her face beside the woman's.
Touch the soft silver hair with her cheek.


The woman settled into bed. Quiet. Dark.
She lay very still, listening. Sound of steady breathing.
Dog is asleep.
Silly how we get attached.
Good night old girl.

The dog settled into bed. Contented sigh.
She lay very still. Listening. Steady breathing.
The woman is asleep.
Silly, how much we care.
Good night old girl.

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Last modified: 8-19-2000

Page Copyright © 1998-2000 Walt Zientek <>